Ideas for resolving the issue

A way to improve the sidewalk infrastructure is to follow the concept of complete street. A complete street can look different, but it is mainly “a road that is designed to be safe for drivers, bicyclists, transit vehicles and users, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities” (LaPlante and McCann 2). The concept provides a clear picture of what defines good infrastructure. This involves the installation of curb ramps for individuals with disabilities, the maintenance of green spaces with plants and trees, the installation of bicycle facilities, and the removal of rubbish from sidewalks (Ehrenfeucht and Loukaitou-Sideris 463).

There are other ways to address the sidewalk problem, such as starting social media campaigns to raise awareness and stand for the improvement of the sidewalks, “on social media network, information spreads rapidly through the importance of relationships and frequency of communications” (Raudeliūnienė et al. 2) Social media campaigns can also help engage citizens in sharing their experiences and ideas for sidewalk improvements, creating a sense of community involvement. This is because social media allows people to connect with others, share information, express opinions, and create content (Raudeliūnienė et al. 10) Moreover, pedestrian-only zones can be implemented, by restricting vehicular traffic in certain areas can create environments that encourage walking and active transportation. Pedestrian zones should prioritize safety, accessibility and connectivity, comfort, and enhance the city’s public spaces to promote community engagement, economic vitality, and a positive urban image (Sisman 406) Lastly, green infrastructure initiatives can be integrated into sidewalk improvement projects. According to the report Design, implementation and cost elements of Green Infrastructure projects, “Green infrastructure is the network of natural and semi-natural areas, features and green spaces in rural and urban, and terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine areas, which together enhance ecosystem health and resilience, contribute to biodiversity conservation and benefit human populations through the maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services” (Naumann et al. 14) By implementing a combination of these solutions, Panama can address the challenges of its worn-out sidewalk infrastructure while promoting pedestrian safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability.

Pedestrian mobility, also known as walking, is a fundamental mode of transportation for individuals. Factors like urban structure, safety, accessibility, and comfort encourage walking and the usage of public spaces. “That is to say, the objective of launching a pedestrian zone is to provide safe, comfortable, and quiet routes” (Caballero et al. 3). Establishing areas for pedestrians-only is a crucial matter. Zones reserved for pedestrians have various benefits. Pedestrian-friendly zones reduce the risk of cars colliding with people. It also provides a safe and concern-free environment for people. Additionally, pedestrian zones encourage a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle. Walking can improve people’s health, and since these zones are sustainable and contribute to reducing global warming, urban air quality is enhanced.

In the report, "Panama Camina," it is stated that on business days, 59.4% of people use walking as a method of transportation, and 0.1% opt for bicycles. On non-business days, 77.8% choose walking, and 0.2% prefer bicycles (45) Among the most represented age groups are adults between 31 and 64 years, involving 56%; following them are young adults aged 20 to 30, representing 26% (Reporte Completo - Panamá Camina 47) The focus is on young adults, since they demonstrate one of the highest rates of usage of social media compared to other age groups. Social media campaigns can be promoted easily through young adults. Most young adults use a variety of platforms, including online forums, virtual worlds, picture-content sharing platforms, messaging apps, and user-review platforms (Vaid and Harari 8)