Purpose of Walkwave

Welcome to Walk Wave! Walk Wave is a website initiative in which our goal is to confront and address the urgent matter of the Republic of Panama's bad sidewalk infrastructure. Walking around the Republic of Panama is a challenge due to the sidewalks. It is common to encounter an uneven path or not to encounter one at all. Most of the sidewalks are filled with holes and bumps making it a difficult path to walk. In some places, sidewalks are nonexistent, forcing people to share the road with vehicles, increasing the risk of an accident. Walk Wave seeks to inspire social media campaigns focused on improving Panama’s sidewalk infrastructure by providing comprehensive and accessible information on the issue and potential solutions.

The initiative focuses on young adults as they are not only frequent users of social media platforms but also active participants in urban pedestrian life. Nowadays, social media wields significant influence, particularly among young people; the collaboration and influence of young adults can lead to successful social media campaigns. Through the use of social media and technology, Walk Wave hopes to increase public awareness of the difficulties that pedestrians in Panama encounter when navigating the republic's sidewalk network. Therefore, social media campaigns can mobilize support and advocate of positive change, ultimately contributing to the improvement of sidewalk infrastructure and enhancing overall urban experience for pedestrians.

To achieve our goals, Walk Wave advocates for the implementation of complete streets. Complete streets are roads designed to accommodate all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit. Additionally, the integration of green infrastructure can contribute to the environmental sustainability of sidewalks. By implementing a combination of these solutions, Panama can address the challenges of its worn-out sidewalk infrastructure while promoting pedestrian safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability.

Our website features a user-friendly design with an urban color palette, optimized for compatibility across different devices and browsers. To improve user interaction, pictures, illustrations, and a comment section are included. With a visually appealing layout and simple navigation, users can easily access information, engage with our community, and provide feedback on sidewalk improvement efforts.

Walk Wave believes that by using a combination of social media campaigns, pedestrian-only zones, and green infrastructure projects, safety, accessibility, and appearance of sidewalks in Panama can be improved. Together, we can create a way for more sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant environment for all citizens. Join us in our mission to transform Panama’s sidewalk infrastructure and create safer streets for everyone. Step Forward and advocate for better sidewalks!