We need better sidewalks!

A poor sidewalk infrastructure can have various consequences. Between the potential consequences we have pedestrian safety risk, limited accessibility, less touristic attraction and a bad environmental impact. The probability of injuries and accidents increases when sidewalks are neglected or do not follow safety regulations. Cracks and uneven surfaces can make people trip and fall. Therefore, people who use this method of transportation feel unsafe, vulnerable and concerned. Additionally, limited accessibility happens due to the sidewalk infrastructure not being built properly nor is well-maintained. Therefore, it is tough for pedestrians to move around. This causes a bigger impact on the elderly and people with disabilities, impeding societal inclusion. According to Gamache et al., "Fifteen percent of the world’s population (∼1 billion individuals) experience some form of disability, and this number is projected to increase due to the increase in the overall prevalence of disability and the aging of the population” (410).

When sidewalks are not well taken care of, it makes life harder for people with disabilities. It can be difficult for wheelchair users to navigate uneven surfaces, crevices in walls, and areas without ramps. Sometimes, sidewalks are too narrow or blocked, making it hard for someone in a wheelchair to get through. Confusing signs and things like bad lighting can also make it difficult. All these problems can make people with disabilities feel left out and make it harder for them to do things on their own. Everyone's life can bbe more simpler and favorable with a good sidewalk infratsructure.

The poorly designed infrastructure not only reduces the charm and aesthetic appeal of the republic, but also diminishes its overall allure. Tourists and locals have less desire to visit locations that initially seem appealing. This happens because navigating through these locations becomes challenging due to the poorly constructed sidewalks. This lack of walkability not only affects tourism, but also makes life harder for citizens.